The 4th Lecture Series on Science and Technology
The Yamaoka Memorial Foundation sponsored the “4th Lecture Series on Science and Technology” held at Kyoto University on March 24. This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to minimize the number of attendees at the venue, but there were many online listeners, bringing the total number of domestic and international attendees to 177.

With respect to the current global issues of “global warming” and “food”, researchers from Germany and Japan, who are leading the way in the field of food and agriculture for the formation of a sustainable society, gave lectures.
Based on the many questions from both the online and in-person audiences, an active exchange of ideas developed between the presenters and the audience, making this a very meaningful lecture series.

Left: Yasunari Fujita,
Ph.D.Senior Researcher, Biological Resources and Post-harvest Division,
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS); Professor,
Faculty of Life and Environment Sciences, University of Tsukuba (Cooperative Graduate School Program)
Right: Prof. Dr. Christian Zörb
University of Hohenheim Executive Director; Institute of Crop Plants
Chair; Quality of Plant Products and Viticulture
For the general discussion, in addition to the two speakers, Dr. Fujita and Prof. Dr. Zörb, we welcomed two students, Miss Matsumura of Kanazawa University, who won the grand prize in the Yanmar Student Essay Competition, and Mr. Abamba, a doctoral student at Kyoto University from Kenya. The discussion was based on the topic “Plant cultivation as a means for responding to global warming” and people from various countries such as Japan, Germany and Kenya had a lively discussion.

In the audience questionnaire, we received many comments, such as “This lecture gave me a new perspective on agriculture,” and encouragement for future lectures, such as “I learned a lot, so I hope you will continue to hold this lecture in the future.”

Lecture Materials
Questions for the speakers
The following are the answers from the speakers to the questions we received online on the day.