The 3rd Lecture Series on Science and Technology
The Yamaoka Memorial Foundation sponsored the “3rd Lecture Series on Science and Technology” held at Kyoto University on March 27.

On the day, 163 people listened to the lectures. With respect to the current global issues of “global warming” and “energy”, researchers from Germany and Japan, who are leading in the field of the formation of a sustainable society, spoke on how to achieve stable prosperity for the international community.

Top left: Guest of Honor, Mr. Werner Köhler, Consul General of Germany
Top right: Professor Masahiro Shioji (Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University), Director of the Yamaoka Memorial Foundation and host of the panel discussion
Lower left: Speaker Masaru Nakaiwa, Director of the Fukushima Renewable Energy Research Institute
Lower right: Speaker Johann Saathoff, Member of the German Bundestag
After the lectures, the speakers were joined by Professor Tetsuo Tezuka (Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University) and Mr. Akira Taguchi (Executive Officer and Executive Manager of the Technology Center at Takuma Engineering Co., Ltd.) as panelists for a general discussion, and the audience also asked many questions and shared opinions.

The final words belonged to Mr. Kanda, Director of the Yamaoka Memorial Foundation and advisor to YANMAR. He said: “YANMAR's corporate activities are based on the concept A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE - New Value through Technology. For the past three years, the Yamaoka Memorial Foundation has been holding lectures on sustainable society from the perspective of energy. From next year, we will be holding lectures on different subjects, and we invite you to come and join us.” With this, he concluded the Lecture Series on Science and Technology.
After the general discussion, a stand-up reception was held in the foyer as a place for communication. Audience members could be seen asking questions to the lecturers and professors.